Welcome to the 26th Lithography Workshop

With the support of its members, the Lithography Workshop has sponsored a unique program which is carefully designed to cover the latest lithography- related advancements to benefit all participants in their field of expertise. The Workshop held its first meeting in Lake Placid, New York in 1981. The 2019 Workshop is the 26th in a series of meetings that span 38 years, promoting the continuing evolution of lithography. The speakers at the Workshop are selected by invitation and represent a broad range of disciplines and covering a wide array of different lithography approaches and requirements. The Workshop is limited to 150 participants.

The Workshop is modeled to be similar to a “Gordon-Research” meeting but with the intent of addressing more immediate issues facing the lithography community within the next few years. The attendees of the Workshop share recent advances and knowledge in lithography with others in the community. The Workshop provides an environment where leading researchers from various disciplines can share their thoughts and ideas. A primary intent is to provide an arena for stimulating debate and the meeting schedule is designed to provide the attendees time for side-meetings and discussions. The Workshop has historically focused on leading-edge semiconductor applications, but has also addressed the challenging lithography needs of flat panel displays, memory devices, 3- dimensional device integration and advanced packaging. Lately, the Workshop has showcased prominent experts in emerging fields like Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence, which are relevant to this audience due to the ubiquitous role lithography plays in the world of computing.

This is an opportunity for attendees to meet with world-renown investigators and discuss topics of mutual interest. The Workshop format is intended to provide an atmosphere for in-depth discussions of the invited presentations, both oral talks and poster papers. This is accomplished by providing time for extensive questions and answers after each paper, during the poster programs and during group meetings. This year, we will continue with opportunities to present, late-breaking topics of interest. As in the past, there will be no formal proceedings, picture taking, audio or video recording of the Workshop presentations. The technical sessions have been scheduled for mornings and evenings, with time for meetings between attendees and authors during the afternoon. Both invited and latebreaking contributing Poster papers will be presented during the evening receptions, prior to the evening oral papers. Please see the Meeting’s schedule of events for more information.

The Workshop welcomes student attendees! To encourage this, Student registration has traditionally been discounted; in recent years we have made available additional discounts to a few students in the form of lower rate hotel rooms. The Lithography Workshop is a non-profit organization, and the Committee believes that encouraging student participation is one of the best ways to return any small financial surpluses back to our community. The Executive Committee is arranging a program that we believe you will find intellectually stimulating and challenging. Putting together a meeting such as this required the contributions of many people. We are especially thankful to the Technical Program Chairpersons and the Session Chairs who have put together the program. This year, the Technical Program Chairs are Dr. Anton Devilliers (TEL) and Dr. Leo Pang (D2S). Each presentation (oral or poster) is invited, and each presenter is recognized for his/her outstanding work in their field.

We hope that you will avail yourself to all the sessions and functions that the organizers have planned. The Executive Committee welcomes your comments and suggestions to better serve the lithography community. The Lithography Workshop is very grateful to its sponsors, without whom, we would not be able to continue running the meeting. The LOGOs of our sponsors are shown on the back cover.

Vivek Singh
Intel Fellow, President of the Executive Committee

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